Services & Capabilities

Design & Engineering

Your custom automated control solution from our initial concept is then brought to life during the design and engineering phase. We utilize approved system integrator techniques and engineering tools to design and build your custom automated control solution. Our goal is to “integrate” as much of the process as possible to improve process efficiency and quality, reduce labor cost, and improve safety. Our case studies demonstrate these benefits.

Our System Integration Experience Benefits You

We design and integrate custom automated control solutions for a wide array of machines and equipment, from single machine automation to integration across multiple production machines and vendors. We have experience with multiple industrial control equipment suppliers such as Siemens, Mitsubishi, Allen Bradley, Fatek, Omron and many more.

Panel Layout, Assembly and Testing

Our UL 508 panel shop will design, layout, assemble, and test your custom automated control panel. We will also do all of the required panel calculation; from heat dissipation to short circuit withstand for the UL Mark to be applied.

Retrofitting Existing Controls

We can retrofit your existing production control panel with new more reliable and efficient controls. This option requires cost analysis and is considered in our initial stage for creating an automated control system.

Programming and Control System Integration

All of the components (PLC’s, robots, AFD’s, touch screens, sensors, or the like) will be programmed so the integrated automated solution will work efficiently and reliably. This new system and all of your existing networked control systems can be “linked” together so you have complete encompassed real time status and control, historical logging, and reporting.

Global Control and Reporting

Our Software Solutions, have the ability to manage your entire industrial automation solution. It gathers information, stores the data, manipulates data for reporting or use on your shop floor, with another process, or in the office environment. In essence, it’s the convergence of your operation’s knowledge.

Here are some highlights

Capable of “Global” control and reporting for all of your production facilities.

Real-time status & control

High-performance interactive trending with dynamic reports in different formats

SPC charting and KPI monitoring

Alerting: store alerts to database, email alert notifications

Installation, Testing and Commissioning

Your custom automated control solution is now melded together with your existing controls, equipment, and manufacturing network during installation. Your integrated solution is completely tested based on the initial project goals and modified to meet any revised requirements.

Control Optimization

Inefficient or improper functioning automated control systems lead to a loss of productivity. It is our priority to provide complete testing of your integrated solutions to maximize your return on investment.

When your solution passes our installation, testing, and commissioning phase we complete our design documentation and train your personnel.

Complete Design Documentation and Training

Automated Control System Documentation

The documentation for your “as-built” custom automated control solution is now completed. This includes providing you a manual with serviceable parts lists, electrical schematics, and programming files.

Staff Training for Automated Solutions

We conduct any required training for your operations and maintenance staff. Having your staff understand your new automated system is key to its high-level performance and recognizing any problems. Your staff will be knowledgeable in the documentation resource for basic troubleshooting as your front line defense in preventive maintenance.

Preventative Maintenance and Service


We offer to monitor and service your control system remotely utilizing remote VPN access capabilities saving you time and money. We will recommend any preventative maintenance procedures and train your personnel to perform maintenance items.

Why Remote Maintenance and Service?

Maintenance and ongoing service, from your system integrators, is essential to a well running system. We are able to provide remote maintenance to locations throughout Pakistan

Remote maintenance and service for Industrial Automation:

* Eliminates the ‘wait’ time for service to begin

* We are the backup support to your staff for your system maintenance or repair

* Disaster recovery – we save a copy of your programs and updates on our file server providing you off-site backup for recovery in the event it is needed

Interested? Let's get in touch!

We Extreme Control Engineering are striving continuously to be the most valued Solution provider of Industrial controls, Variable Frequency Drives & Panels, Industrial Automation System & Solutions and SCADA. Continuous innovation through research and development is at the core of Extreme control Engineering.